Экология, экологическая безопасность и борьба за первозданность природы.

Экология. Особи, популяции и сообщества Часть 3

436 Ч. 4. Сообщества
In: The Biology of Weeds, J. L. Harper ed., Blackwell Scientific publications,
Sutdiffe J. A977). Plants and Temperature, Edward Arnold, London.
2.2.7, 2.2.8
Sutherland W. J. A982). Do oystercatchers select the most profitable cockles?
Animal Behaviour, 30, 857—861.
Swift M. J., Heal 0. W., Anderson J. M. A979). Decomposition in Terrestrial
Ecosystems, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
11.2.2, 11.2.4, 11.3.1, 17.5
Symonides E. A977). Mortality of seedlings in the natural psammophyte popula-
tions, Ekologia Polska, 25, 635—651.
Symonides E. A979a). The structure and population dynamics of psammophytes
on inland dunes. II. Loose-sod populations, Ekologia Polska, 27, 191—234.
6.6, 15.2, 15.3.2, 15.4.3
Symonides E. A979b). The structure and population dynamics of psammophytes
on inland dunes. IV. Population phenomena as a phytocenose-forming factor,
(A summing-up discussion.), Ekologia Polska, 27, 259—281.
15.3.2, 15.4.3
Takahashi F. A968). Functional response to host debsity in a parasitic wasp,
with reference to population regulation, Researches in Population Ecology, 10,
Tamarin R. H. A978). Dispersal, population regulation, and K-selection in field
mice, American Naturalist, 112, 545—555.
Tamm C. 0. A956). Further observations on the survival and flowering of some
perennial herbs, Oikos, 7, 274—292.
Tansley A. G. A917). On competition between Galium saxatile L. (G. hercyni-
curn Weig.) and Galium sylvestre Poll. (G. asperum Schreb.) on different
types of soil, Journal of Ecology, 5, 173—179.
Tansley A. G. A939). The British Islands and their Vegetation, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Tansley A. G., Adamson R. S. A925). Studies on the vegetation of the English
chalk. III. The chalk grasslands of the Hampshire—Sussex border, Journal of
Ecology, 13, 177—223.
15.6.4, 19.2.1
Taylor D. L. A975). Symbiotic dinoflagellates. In: Symbiosis, D. H. Jennings
and D. L. Lee eds., Symposium 29, Society for Experimental Biology, Cambrid-
ge University Press, Cambridge.
Taylor F. J. R. A982). Symbioses in marine microplankton, Annales de l\'lnstitut
Oceanographique, Paris, 58(S), 61—90.
Temple S. A. A977). Plant-animal mutualism: coevolution with dodo leads to
near extinction of plant, Science, N. Y., 197, 885—886.
Thiegles B. A. A968). Altered polyphenol metabolism in the foliage of Pinus
sylvestris associated with European pine sawfly attack, Canadian Journal of
Botany, 46, 724—725.
Thomas A. S. A963). Further changes in vegetation since the advent of myxo-
Ч. 4. Сообщества 437
matosis, Journal of Ecology, 51, 151—183.
Thompson D. B. A. A983). Prey assessment by plovers (Charadriidae): net rate
of energy intake and vulnerability to kleptoparasities, Animal Behaviour, 31,
Thompson D. B. A., Barnard С A984). Prey selection by plovers: optimal fora-
ging in mixed-species groups, Animal Behaviour, 32, 554—563.
Thompson D. J. A975). Towards a predator-prey model incorporating age-struc-
ture: the effects of predator and prey size on the predation of Daphnia magna
by Ischnura elegans, Journal of Animal Ecology, 44, 907—916.
Thompson J. N. A982). Interaction and Coevolution, Wiley-Interscience, New
Thompson K., Grime J. P. A979). Seasonal variation in seed banks of herbaceous
species in ten contrasting habitats, Journal of Ecology, 67, 893—921.
Thornback ]., Jenkins M. A982). The I.U.C.N. Mammal Red Data Book, Part I.
Threatened mammalian taxa of the Americas and the Australasian zoogeogra-
phic region (excluding Cetacea), I.U.C.N., Gland, Switzerland.
Tiltnan D. A977). Resource competition between planktonic algae: an experi-
mental and theoretical approach, Ecology, 58, 338—348.
Tilman D. A982). Resource Competition and Community Structure, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
3.1, 3.6, 7.11.1, 18.3.2,22.3.1
Tilman D., Mattson M., Langer S. A981). Competition and nutrient kinetics along
a temperature gradient: an experimental test of a mechanistic approach to niche
theory, Limmology and Oceanography, 26, 1020—1033.
Tinbergen L. A960). The natural control of insects in pinewoods. 1: Factors
influecing the intensity of predation by songbirds, Archives neerlandaises de
Zoologie, 13, 266—336.
Tinker P. H. B. A975). Effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycrorrhizas on higher
plants. In: Symbiosis, D. H. Jennings and D. L. Lee eds., Symposium 29,
Society ior Experimental Biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Tisdale W. H. A919). Physoderma disease of corn, Journal of Agricultural
Research, 16, 137—154.
Tonn W. M., Magnuson J. J. A982). Patterns in the species composition and
richness of fish assemblages in northern Wisconsin lakes, Ecology, 63, 1149—
20.3.1, 22.3.1
Toth J. A., Papp L. В., Lenkey B. A975). Litter decomposition in an oak forest
ecosystem (Quercetum petreae Cerris) in northern Hungary studied in the
framework of «Sikfokut Project». In: Biodegradation et Humification, G. Kil-
bertus, O. Reisinger, A. Mourey, J. A. Cancela da Foneseca eds., pp. 41—58,
Pierrance Editeur, Sarregue Mines.
Townsend С R. A980). The Ecology of Streams and Rivers, Edward Arnold,
2.8, 2.9, 5.4.7
Townsend C. R., Hildrew A. G. A978). Predation strategy and resource utilisa-
438 Ч. 4. Сообщества
tion by Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae),
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Trichoptera, pp. 299—
307, Junk, The Hague.
9.10, 19.2.3
Townsend C. R., Hildrew A. G. A980). Foraging in a patchy environment by a
predatory net-sprinning caddis larva: A test of optimal foraging theory, Oecolo-
gia, 47, 219—221.
Townseend С R., Hughes R. N. A981). Maximizing net energy returns from
foraging. In: Physiological Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach to Resource
Use, C. R. Townsend and P. Calow eds., pp. 86—108, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford.
Townsend C. R., Winfield I. J. A985). The application of optimal foraging theory
to feeding behaviour in fish. In: Fish Energetics — A New Look, P. Calow and
P. Tytler eds., Croom Helm, Beckenham.
Townsend C. R., Hildrew A. G., Francis J. E. A983). Community structure in
some southern English streams: the influence of physicochemical factors.
Freshwater Biology, 13, 521—544.
16.3.2, 22.3.4
Trench R. K. A975). Of «leaves that crawl»: functional chloroplasts in animal
cells. In: Symbiosis, D. H. Jennings and D. L. Lee eds., pp. 229—266, Sympo-
sium 29, Society for Experimental Biology, Cambridge University Press,
Tripp M. R. A974). A final comment on invertebrate immunity. In: Contemporary
Topics in Immunobiology, Vol. 4, E. L. Cooper ed., pp. 289—290, Plenum
Press, New York.
Turesson G. A922). The genotypical response of the plant species to the, habitat,
Hereditas, 6, 147—236.
Turkington R., Harper J. L. A979). The growth, distribution and neighbour
relationships of Trifolium repens in a permanent pastufe. IV. Fine scale biotic
differentiation, Journal of Ecology, 67; 245—254.
Turkington R. A., Cavers P. В., Aarssen L.

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